Frack, Crack, Boom, Bang: A call for artists to uplift voices of those touched by fracking and extraction from our landscapes  

The Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA) is pleased to announce a call for artists to uplift the voices of those touched by fracking through artistic exploration that will create visibility and increase public awareness, knowledge, and care for the impacts fracking and extraction have on communities. 

Proposals in any artistic form are welcome, including but not limited to visual art, installation, music, film, live performance, immersive theatre, and beyond. Projects should be public-facing to allow for in-person community engagement.


We have partnered with Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) and the Ohio Valley Allies to collect oral histories and narratives from people living on the front lines of “frack country”.

Living in “frack country” has been described as living in a war zone. Big oil’s insatiable hunt for fuel has fractured lives, divided communities, and threatens delicate ecosystems we inhabit and rely on. Our land. The air we breathe. The water we drink. Everything that becomes part of us builds our bodies and landscapes or poisons them.

Everyone is affected by fracking in some way. Yet there are no solutions until we as a culture, feel a need for them. As artists, we are called to bridge the gaps between science and emotion, culture and communities — what can you create from frontline narratives that sheds light not only on fracking's impact on people and the planet but the traumas and lived experiences faced every day by those on the front lines?

We invite artists to choose one or more narratives to act as a spark, a springboard, for a creative work.  If selected, there will be further opportunities to collaborate with narrators, community members, and the Ohio Valley Allies. 


  • Richard Cummins — The story of a brine truck driver. Highlights health scares and concerns, lack of equitable pay, and negative economic impacts.  Link:
  • Jill Hunkler — Fracking came to her homeplace and has completely usurped her life. She talks about losing connection to the landscapes she loves, how changes were rapid and uncertain, disturbances to daily life, and negative health impacts. “[Fracking] is destroying everyone’s children’s future and right to a happy, healthy life…” Link:
  • Jesse Lombardi — Jesse was an oil and gas dispatch coordinator and provides a perspective as an industry worker. Discusses experiencing and witnessing negative health impacts and concerns about his workers and the community he’s always lived in. He educated his fellow workers on radioactivity and health and toxicity of the chemicals they are exposed to. Link:
  • Felecia Mettler — Felicia describes herself as an “Accidental Activist”. Discusses frack waste threatening future generations, water contamination, and her experience being an activist on the front lines. Tension and contradictions arise with the community; community members are often hesitant to participate in protests against oil and gas companies due to fear, even though they agree with her work. Struggles with regret and what will happen if she acts or doesn’t act for her children. Link:
  • Sean O’Leary — Senior researcher at Ohio River Valley Institute (ORVI); research on failed economic promises of oil and gas. Link:
  • Bob and Darlene Williamson — The Fracking industry has taken away their attachment to their home, community, and land. The couple faces constant anxiety from fracking activities, noise, stress about health and contamination, and concern for their animals. They discuss health impacts and air quality and the fight to obtain and present data on contaminants. Link:

For more information on hydraulic fracturing and its environmental impacts, take a look at these resources:


Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) endeavors to protect the community's right to clean water, air, and land. In 2008, they spearheaded the fracking fight in the Upper Delaware River Basin that led to the ban on fracking within the basin and continue to fight for local and regional environmental justice issues. 

A community organization built with a grassroots spirit, the Ohio Valley Allies spreads awareness about the dangerous impacts of fracking and empowers people by providing resources, education, and support to protect their health, environments, and communities. 


  • Two projects will be selected.
  • Stipend of $2,500 
  • We invite proposals from any artistic medium that will culminate in a physical presentation.
  • We welcome collaborations or multi-artist proposals 
  • We will provide housing and transportation, technical support, and expertise 
  • Projects will be presented by DVAA  in Narrowsburg, NY over the weekend of July 18th — 20th, 2025 during Upstate Art Weekend. 



  • All proposals are due by Friday, April 11, 2025
  • Applicants notified by Friday, April 25, 2025
  • Marketing/Promotional materials due by June 13, 2025
  • Installation week - July 14 - July 18, 2025
  • Presentation weekend - July 18 - 20, 2025



Have questions about submitting a proposal? Contact Project Coordinator, Willow Gatewood at

EVENT DATE Sunday, July 27, 2025, 10 am to 4 pm on Main St., Narrowsburg, NY.  Rain or shine.


NOTIFICATION DATE  Applicants will be notified by May 1, 2025

ABOUT RIVERFEST Music, art, and the environment take center stage at the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance's (DVAA) annual street festival.  Overlooking the Delaware River, Riverfest embodies the spirit of our river valley and highlights the artists and musicians who live and work here. The annual event attracts over a thousand attendees.

   The Times Herald-Record writes "there are street fairs and then there is Riverfest." It features a unique selection of artist booths, enticing food vendors, and environmental information booths, as well as a Kids' Crafting Corner, River Dogs (on) Parade, and more.

   Each year our audiences anticipate a high quality of vendors. DVAA works closely with selected vendors to maximize their experience. We provide hands-on volunteer staff to ensure each vendor has a quick and smooth load-in and set-up. We market the event far and wide to ensure our vendors have plenty of opportunities to connect with new clientele.

    DVAA's annual Riverfest Poster Auction helps draw attention to our artisan vendors with its audience of discerning collectors and arts patrons.

ELIGIBILITY  This is a juried street fair open to artists, artisans, makers, and craftspeople. All work must be original in design and produced by the exhibiting artist.  Not allowed are objects made from commercial kits or molds or items that are imported or for resale. DVAA reserves the right to reject any booth out of compliance.


ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Please complete the online application form no later than ASAP. *Two artists sharing a space must each submit a separate application. Indicate in the final question about special booth needs, who you plan to share a booth with. 

All applicants will be notified within 5 business days


If selected by our jury, a non-refundable fee of $90/72 (DVAA Members) will be required. *Additional fees will apply to shared booths, double booths, and Food Trucks).  Acceptable payment methods include Credit Card, Check, PayPal, and cash. Payment must be received within 5 days of notification.

*Member discount  Become a member or renew at the time of payment and receive the member rate right away,

   Booth spaces are 10’ x 10’. Tents are required. Booth assignments are made to best serve the overall flow of the festival. Assignments are made until all spaces are filled and are final. Exhibitors may not request more than two spaces and must provide their own set-ups (tables, chairs, tent weights, change, etc). Electricity is available in limited areas and may be requested for an additional $10.

SET-UP TIME Set-up begins at 8 am. All vehicles must be cleared by 9:30 am. A team of volunteers will help set up your tent. Vendors will have parking spaces assigned to them.

REGULATIONS Exhibitors must remain for the duration of the show (4pm) and have a representative on duty in the booth throughout the festival hours. Each exhibitor is responsible for the display, protection, storage, and removal of their work. DVAA will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any work from any cause during the show. Exhibitors should provide adequate protection for their work against sun, rain, and wind. All tents and umbrellas must be weighed down and all tents must be cleared from the street by 5:30 pm.

SALES TAX Collecting & paying New York State sales tax is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

ABOUT THE DELAWARE VALLEY ARTS ALLIANCE The Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA), founded in 1976, serves as the Arts Council for Sullivan County, New York. We present programs in the visual, performing, literary, and media arts and service a county- and valley-wide constituency of artists, arts groups, and the general public.

   Our mandate is to lead collaborations that advance the arts; encourage and support cultural programs relevant to all citizens; and provide services to individual artists, arts organizations, and the area’s arts community. Learn more at

QUESTIONS Contact us at or by phone at (845) 252-7576. Office Hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm. 

  This is the application form for the 2025 Sullivan County Arts & Heritage Grant.  This grant is funded by the Sullivan County Legislature and administered by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA), whose mission it is to advance the arts in the region through the support and encouragement of artists, innovative programs, advocacy, and alliances with arts organizations, business, and government.

      The goals of SCAHG are to:


  • support artists in the creation of new work, and enhance artistic visibility and impact;
  • support non-profit cultural groups in providing culturally diverse, year-round, quality programming in all areas of the county;
  •  support quality programming that enhances underserved constituents and regions of the county 
  • promote communication and understanding between the different facets of the Sullivan County community through arts and culture, and educate community leaders on the grant process and resources available;
  • and support the arts that encourage multi-disciplinary expression and collaboration with other community sectors, such as environmental and heritage groups.

Funding Period -  May - December 2025

Application Deadline - Applicants are required to complete and submit an application prior to the deadline of Monday, March 31 , 2025 (midnight EST) to be considered for funding. Early submissions are encouraged.  

Prior to Applying - In order to submit an application for a Project Grant, we suggest that you carefully review our guidelines to determine your organization or project's eligibility for funding.

      Applicants are encouraged to attend an Informational Workshop. *First-time applicants are required to attend.


  • Wednesday, March 12, 6 PM – 7 PM Webinar. Advanced Registration Required. Click here to register.
  • Tuesday, March 18 from 1 PM - 2 PM Radio Catskill Meeting Room, Registration Required. Click here to register
  • Saturday, March 22, 12 PM – 1 PM Webinar. Advanced Registration Required. Click here to register.

  • speak one-on-one with DVAA's Grants Manager or a designated staff member, prior to submitting an application for funding. 

Technical Assistance For technical assistance in using Submittable or uploading forms, please visit Submittable's FAQ page.  Each time you work on an application, you can save it as a draft for 21 days. During that time, you may return to work on your entry before the deadline by signing in to Submittable. The 21-day time frame is renewed each time you work on the application. Upon your final submission, you will receive a confirmation email, with a link where you will be able to view your submission. Once submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your document. If there is a major issue or change in your submitted materials, please contact DVAA directly.

Project Budget - Budgets will be accepted in PDF format only. To access the budget form, please click here.  (It is necessary to copy the link and re-paste it into a new tab or browser in order to download file.)


For Legislative District information (needed on the application form) click here and type in your address to find out your NYS Senate & NYS Assembly districts.

Support Materials - Please note that there are additional materials that will need to be uploaded - full details are located at the end of the submission form.

Questions? Call (845) 252-7576 or email: 

Welcome! This is the application form for the 2025 Mini Grants, which are an extension of the Arts for Sullivan Grant Cycle, for Sullivan County in New York State. The grant program is administered by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA), whose mission it is to advance the arts in the region through the support and encouragement of artists, innovative programs, advocacy, and alliances with arts organizations, businesses, and government.

 The goals of the Mini Grants are to:


  • Provide access to funding through a simplified application to first-time applicants to encourage access to the arts throughout all of Sullivan County.
  • Simplified application

Rolling Deadline - Applicants are required to complete and submit an application to be considered for funding. Early submissions are encouraged.  In order to submit an application for a Project Grant, we suggest that you carefully review our guidelines to determine your organization or project's eligibility for funding.

Technical Assistance For technical assistance in using Submittable or uploading forms, please visit Submittable's FAQ page.  Each time you work on an application, you can save it as a draft for 21 days. During that time, you may return to work on your entry before the deadline by signing in to Submittable. The 21-day time-frame is renewed each time you work on the application. Upon your final submission, you will receive a confirmation email, with a link where you will be able to view your submission. Once submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your document. If there is a major issue or change in your submitted materials, please contact DVAA directly.

Application Questions - You may download the questions as a Microsoft Word Document to work "offline" prior to entering your answers into Submittable

 For Legislative District information (needed on the application form) click here and type in your address to find out your NYS Senate & NYS Assembly districts.

Support Materials - Please note that there are additional materials that will need to be uploaded - full details are on located at the end of the submission form.

Questions? Call (845) 252-7576 or email:

Delaware Valley Arts Alliance